Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Downloading all your Facebook Photos for Google Plus – In Linux

Through Facebook Route:
This way is actually pretty easy, which came as a surprise to me since I would have though it be in Facebooks best interest to keep users there just because it’s too much hassle to change.

First head over to Facebook.com, login and make your way through the labrynth that is Facebook settings to
‘Account Settings’ > Next to ‘Download Your Information’ click ‘Learn more’ > click ‘Download’.

This way you’re going to have to wait for Facebook to process all your data, they’ll then send you an e-mail once it’s done to a download link. This is a compressed (ZIP) file which contains all your information from Facebook, in the Photos folder you’ll find all your pictures which can then be uploaded to Google Plus.

The problem with this way is that it can take a reasonable amount of time (a couple of days depending on how much information you have..) and I’ve had it fail on a couple of occasions.

Alternatively you can use the following:

The PhotoGrabber Option:

For this you’ll need a couple of dependencies installed, it’s a desktop app that downloads the files for you.

Install dependencies:

sudo apt-get install python python-tk

Install PhotoGrabber:

svn checkout http://photograbber.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ photograbber-read-only
cd photograbber-read-only/

Once you’ve ran all that and the ./pg.py bit it should load up with the following:

Click Login and then proceed to login and allow PhotoGrabber to do its thing, once you’ve done that you’ll get to a screen similar to below with a code:

Copy and paste that into the PhotoGrabber window (you’ll need to use Ctrl+V no right click to paste) and then it’ll let you choose which photos to take. Once you’ve picked, hit Download and watch them download to the folder you specify. There’ll be a lot folders, one for each place you were tagged. Once it’s done you can upload them however you want to Google Plus otherwise just keep them.


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